Help Adoption Matters children's charity through donations & fundraising



pays for refreshments for a child attending one of our Centre for Adoption Support Choir sessions


could fund activity materials for use within a Theraplay support package


could provide a virtual therapeutic consultation session for any member of an Adoption Matters family with one of our adoption professionals


could fund materials for our invaluable Life Story work for children along with a session with adoptive parents to share the work


would provide a package of intense support for families during times of crisis


Want to Fundraise?

Decide what you want to do


Meet some of our fundraising heroes...

Jon celebrating crossing the Great North Run finish line Great North Run 2024

5 runners tackled the half marathon

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Annie, our Fundraising and Relationship Manager, Robert, one of our volunteers, and Carolyn, the Chair of our Board of Trustees, at the garden party. Kate and Martin Slack

Kate and Martin hosted a Garden Party

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David Neal will remarkably also be running the Great North Run for Adoption Matters Great Manchester 10k

5 runners took on the challenge in 2024

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Adoption Matters, is delighted to receive a donation of £1,000 from The Llay Estate Charity, which is administered by St. Mary Without-the-Walls Church in Handbridge, Chester. Pictured, Adoption Matters Chief Executive, Susy White, with St. Mary’s Without-the-Walls Church volunteer, David Gilburt, who presented the cheque, along with a personal donation of nearly £40 from his own home. Llay Estate charity

The Llay Estate Charity donated £1,000

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Finance and Business Service Manager Karen Davies receives £500 cheque from The Chester Bluecoat CEO Mike Jenkins Chester Bluecoat

Selected as recipients of £500 grant

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Nicki and Gary from Natwest fundraise for Adoption Matters Nicki and Garry

NatWest employees abseiled 100ft

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Jack Arrowsmith fundraises for Adoption Matters Jack

Jack scores 150 goals for Adoption Matters

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Great North Run 2022

8 runners took on a half marathon

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Katie-May walked 21 miles through Wales

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Edward ran 450km in a single month

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Jamie Paris Jamie

Cycled from London to Paris

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Eight thrillseekers

Skydivers reach new heights!

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Ruth & Steve

Adopter Ruth chose us 54 years after adopting!

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The Ice Cream Farm

Chose us as their Charity of the Year

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Graham Graham

Took on the Boston Rowing Marathon

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How we can HELP...

Contact our Fundraising Team and we can help with:

Poster Icon

Poster/Event Templates

Balloons Icon


Donation Box Icon

Collection boxes and buckets

Written Letter Icon

Authorisation letter

Vests Icon

Running vests

Sponsorship Icon

Sponsorship forms

Website Icon

Setting up your online fundraising page

T-shirt Icon


Speech Bubbles Icon

Marketing/Social Media/Advice


Latest Events

Mountain Biking
Annie, our Fundraising and Relationship Manager, Robert, one of our volunteers, and Carolyn, the Chair of our Board of Trustees, at the garden party.

Sat 28


Kate and Martin Slack’s Garden Party in Aid of Adoption Matters

Cost: TBC

Adoption Matters is delighted to reveal that Kate and Martin Slack's Garden Party in Aid of Adoption Matters will be returning in 2025. 

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Fundraise while you SHOP

Shopping Bag Yay!

Give as you live

The UK’s biggest charity shopping fundraising site.

It’s simple to use and it’s free. Since it launched in 2005, they have helped thousands of good causes raise money simply by shopping online.

How does it work?

easyfundraising turns your everyday online shopping into free donations for your favourite cause. How? Just start your online shopping first at easyfundraising, then shop as normal. The retailers will then make a small donation to say “thank you”.

They have 3,578 retailers to choose from and so far have raised over £25 million for thousands of community groups, schools, sports clubs, small and large charities across the UK. On behalf of Adoption Matters – thank you!

Give as you live

Give as you Live is the free and easy way to raise free funds for Adoption Matters, simply by shopping online.

Join for free today and start raising money when you shop at over 4,300 stores. Click on a store you want to shop with and we’ll direct you to the store’s website where you can continue to shop as normal. Your purchase will automatically generate free funds for charity!

From holidays and travel, to clothing and gifts, you can raise hundreds of pounds from all your online purchases.


Donations Box

Volunteering your time is really helpful to us. Not only that, volunteering can make a real difference to your own life and the lives of those around you. If you think you have skills, experience or some availability that could benefit Adoption Matters, we’d love to hear from you.

Volunteering also has many added benefits – these include:

  • Meeting new people and making new friends
  • A chance to socialise
  • Getting to know the local community
  • Gaining new skills, knowledge and experience
  • Using one’s professional skills and knowledge to benefit others

Right now you can really help us by sharing our social media posts whenever you can which will enable us to reach so many people that would normally not hear about our work.  You can find our us on Facebook, X and Instagram – our pages are packed full of lots of news, tips, advice, events and lots of fun stuff so we would love if you could follow us.

Supermarket Collections

From time to time we carry out supermarket collections in our areas. If you have any time to offer with our collection buckets and information stands that would be wonderful. Please contact us via our enquiry form or call us on 0300 123 1066. If you can think of a local supermarket that would be a good venue for a collection for us then please just let us know.

Adoption Matters Collection Boxes

Could you place one of our collection boxes in your local area, a community centre, chip shop, hairdressers or even taxi rank?

Please contact us via our enquiry form or call us on 0300 123 1066.

Helping out at one of our events

Could you volunteer your time to assist at one of our events? This could be for a couple of hours helping to collect funds or assisting at a Charity Lunch.

Please contact us via our enquiry form or call us on 0300 123 1066.


Santa ...Scribble

Thank you for thinking about leaving a Gift in your Will to Adoption Matters.

Having a Will in place gives you peace of mind and ensures that you look after your loved ones when the time comes. No one knows what the future holds and our circumstances change throughout our lives. By including a Gift in your Will to Adoption Matters you will leave a lasting legacy to improve the lives and futures of local children and their families.

Once you have looked after those closest to you, it’s amazing the difference even a small gift or percentage of your estate can make. A gift of any size has a real impact and ensures that we can support the whole adoption journey in the very best way possible.

We understand that there is a lot to consider when you are planning your Will and we are very grateful for your consideration. If there is anything more you would like to know about Gifts in Wills or Adoption Matters, please contact our team via our contact us form or by calling 0300 123 1066. Thank you for your support.

Remember a Charity Week 09-15 September 2024.

We are proud to support  Remember a Charity Week highlighting the impact of leaving a Gift in your Will.

Download our free Gifts in Wills Information Guide here which tells you everything you need to know about Leaving a Gift to us in your Will.

FAQ about Wills
Why do I need a Will?

Over 50% of UK adults do not write a Will. This means that their assets will be distributed by a law which was made many years ago, and is not always right for many people, especially those who are not married but live together, people who have second families and people who want to give some money to charity. Writing a Will allows an individual to set out their wishes on who they would want to benefit from their estate.

If I have a Will, will I need to update it?

It is sensible to review your Will periodically, to make sure it still reflects your wishes. Births and deaths, and changing assets, can all be reasons to consider whether your Will currently reflects your wishes. Marriage and divorce revoke previous Wills written, so ensure your Will is both up to date and valid.

What will my Gift help with?

By including a Gift in your Will you will leave a lasting legacy to improve the lives and futures of local children and their families. Your Gift could help us to:

* place more children

* develop and enhance our adoption support services

* offer more fun activities for our families to aid health and well-being

* offer more services for post adoption support

Free Wills - Bequeathed
Bequeathed is an online Wills provider carefully chosen by Remember A Charity to help you write your Will online for free.

The service was set up by solicitors and provides a secure way to make a Will from the comfort of your own home at a time that best suits you, including saving it and coming back to it later.

All Wills include up to 30 minutes legal advice from one of the Bequeathed’s legal firms. For many people that will be all they need. If you have more complex family circumstances, multiple properties, business assets or foreign property, you may need to pay for additional advice. (Where that is the case, the firm will provide you with a quote, before you start writing your Will).

Accord Wills

We are delighted to announce a partnership has been formed between Adoption Matters and Laura Newton of Accord Wills, giving you the opportunity to leave a gift in your Will for Adoption Matters all year round.

This partnership will enable our families, staff and supporters to create a Will using Laura’s services, whilst considering making a donation to us, or leaving us a Will legacy.

How it works – Laura can produce a Free Basic Will in return for consideration to make a donation of your choice to our charity, and/or leave a legacy. If your requirements for a Will sit outside the realms of a Free Basic Will, Laura can provide details of her other offerings, and tailor a Will to suit your circumstances. Laura will provide a fee quote for anything other than a Free Basic Will.

So why not give Laura a call and explore your options?  She will be very happy to write your Free Basic Will if that’s what is appropriate for your circumstances.

If you require further information, please don’t hesitate to contact Annie, our Fundraising and Relationship Manager or make contact with Laura direct –

Contact us...
For more information

Download our free Gifts in Wills Information Guide here which tells you everything you need to know about leaving a Gift to us in your Will

For any further information about Gifts in Wills please contact our team or call 0300 123 1066. Thank you for your support.

Thank you!
Cheering Children