Adopted Adult Emma says, Thank you

Adopted adult Emma says, thank you… Banner
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I’m Emma, I was a baby when I came through the system and was given up for adoption in 70s…

Because of you, I had the most wonderful, loving, normal, adventurous, action packed, opportunity offering, grounded childhood. I was taught skills and given the belief I could become anything I wanted to.

You gave me the most wonderful parents who I cannot thank you enough for. My mum was perfect for me. We grated on each other just enough to realise how much we loved each other… she taught me to dream big. To reach for the stars. To believe in me.

And my wonderful father. He’s been my guide. My teacher. My support and my rock throughout everything that my life has thrown at me. He’s been the best dad I could ever ever have had.

And then, through you in 2001, I met my wonderful biological parents. Heard their story through understanding eyes; Understanding taught by my adopted parents. Met my brothers and the rest of my extended family … family which I’m so grateful for. Which I feel part of.

But it’s for my childhood that I’m most grateful. For the summer holidays and walks to pick blackberries. For learning to swim and play music. And that is because of the wonderful people that you chose to adopt me.

Thank you.

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