National Adoption Week highlights the urgent need for more Black adopters

12 October 2020

National Adoption Week 2020 highlights the urgent need for more Black adopters for children waiting

This National Adoption Week and Black History Month, the focus will be to appeal to potential parents from black African and black Caribbean backgrounds.

New data from the cross sector National Adoption Recruitment Steering Group reflects that black communities have positive and altruistic views around adoption, with 80% stating that they have either adopted, considered or would consider adopting a child in the future.

The data coincides with the launch of the first National Adoption Recruitment campaign and National Adoption Week which this year is urging people who are considering adoption to take the next step. The drive comes as the survey reveals that whilst motivations regarding adoption are overwhelmingly positive amongst the black community, there are a number of barriers and misconceptions that deter people from taking the next step. This includes concerns around people feeling that their housing is not adequate (35%); finances not being in a good enough position (30%) and worries about their age (20%).

At a time when national statistics reveal that black and mixed-heritage children are disproportionately represented in the care system – often waiting over 2 years for a family. The data also revealed that there are a number of incorrect assumptions about the type of person who can adopt. Contrary to beliefs outlined in the survey, those for whom English is not their first language, single people and those who are not married can adopt.

Bishop Joe Aldred, broadcaster and writer, commented: “People think that if you’re in a low income job or on benefits, you cannot adopt, this is not the case. The National Adoption Recruitment campaign reminds people that not only is the adoption process quicker and simpler than it once was but that the chances are, if you’d like to adopt, it’s very likely you can. Over the years we have seen the fulfilling challenge of adoption at work in several people, including close family, who have benefited from being adopted and some who have adopted. Every child deserves a loving home and I urge anyone who is considering adoption to come forward and take that next step to put a stop to our children waiting longer for an adoptive family.”

Sinitta, singer and mum of two, said: “I would definitely encourage others to consider adoption. I always knew I wanted children and I tried everything from IVF to surrogacy to have them. All of those journeys led to heartbreak, except adoption. The feeling of finally becoming a mother was almost indescribable; it’s just everything. It was everything I wanted and more. I love my children more than anything and I always say that love is thicker than blood.”

Reflecting on her experience, adopter Fran (pictured below) says: “The best thing about adopting is knowing that you’ve made a constructive change to someone’s life and that they have done the same for you. My daughter has made my parents grandparents, my brother an uncle and my friends Godparents. I’m honoured to be her mum, she is such a blessing. To anyone in the black community considering adopting I would say absolutely go for it. There are children out there who need support and love and you can add so much value and make a difference to their lives. Your situation – if you are single, married or older for example – won’t matter, if you can provide a loving and nurturing home, I’d say go for it.”

To download a free, no obligation adoption information pack click here.


There are approximately 78,000 looked after children in England(1) . Within this, black children are disproportionately over-represented in our care system; while black ethnic groups make up 3% of the general population, 8% of the looked after children population is black(3) . Black children are also less likely to go on to be adopted and wait longer to find their adoptive families.

Furthermore, black children wait longer to be placed with an adoptive family, 46% of all children wait 18+ months, but at 31st Dec 2019(2) : 69% of Black Caribbean children (28-month average wait) 61% of Black African (24-month average wait) 60% of White/Black African (21-month average wait).


  1. Children looked after in England including adoption: 2018 to 2019 –
  2.  Home for Good
  3.  Adoption and Special Guardianship Leadership Board. Headline measures and Business intelligence. (Dec 2019)