On Mother’s Day 2015, Adoption Matters would like to say a special thank you to all the adoptive mums who have helped change children’s lives through adoption.
This year, on Mother’s Day, Norman Goodwin, Adoption Matters Chief Executive says:
“Our adoptive mums are from all different walks of life, some have their own children, some not, some are single, others married or with a partner – whether heterosexual or lesbian. What they all have in common, is offering love, warmth and stability to the many children we have placed over the last year. To you I want to say: thank you.
“All these mums have transformed the lives of children by giving them what many of us take for granted, love and stability. I know that Mother’s Day is a very special day for adoptive mum’s, and so it should be, they deserve it!”
We believe ALL children deserve the chance of a loving, permanent home through adoption. Many children waiting for adoption are considered ‘hard to place’ as they are over 4 years, part of a sibling group, from a black & minority ethnic background or have additional needs. With the expert support and training we offer, over half the children we find families for are in this category and we have still have one of the lowest disruption rates in the UK.
For more information or to book an appointment to speak with one of our experienced team call us on: 0300 123 1066 or click the contact us button above.