We are delighted to launch our new Centre for Adoption Support website. The Centre for Adoption Support is a unique northwest based service providing support and training to adoptive families and more recently, permanence carers through kinship and special guardianship.
The centre was established in 2013 as a partnership between two long established charities and specialist adoption agencies, Adoption Matters and Caritas Care with support from the Department for Education. Together we offer over 140 years’ experience in working with Local Authorities across the UK to find families for children in care and provide adoption support services.
In the centre’s first 2 years, it has worked with over 500 adoptive parents, 113 children and delivered support to around 700 social work, health and education professionals.
The services offered can be accessed by adopters from other agencies by applying to the Adoption Support Fund via your own local authority.
Contact the Centre for Adoption Support on 01925 534 118 or email: info@centreforadoptionsupport.org for the latest price-list, training dates and venues. More information available at www.centreforadoptionsupport.org