The latest analysis published by the government shows that there are almost twice as many children awaiting adoptive families as there are adopters. The figures reveal that there are currently 4,140 children in England with a plan for adoption and 1,700 families approved to adopt. Over half of children waiting are brothers and sisters. Some children often wait much longer for their adoptive family, they include:
Adoption Matters want to help change that, could you?
Latest figures also reveal that there are currently more children waiting than adopters being approved in many areas by 3 to 1. Leading children’s charity and adoption agency, Adoption Matters, want to help change this and as one of the largest adoption agencies in the country, placing over 4,300 children in their 72 year history, they have a wealth of knowledge and experience.
This year’s National Adoption Week campaign theme is #YouCanAdopt is raising awareness that many people across society can adopt and trying to dispel the many myths that still surround adoption in the UK. We are delighted that a number of our adopters are sharing their stories during the week.
Alice (pictured with her daughter and dog Bilbo!) & Paul, adopted after being motivated by their Christian faith, then hearing from charity Home for Good and contacted Adoption Matters as one of their partner adoption agencies.
Alice comments: “When going through the adoption process, we decided due to our experience and skills that we would love to adopt a child with special needs that was seen as ‘harder to place’ and I was particularly passionate about children with Down syndrome. It was the best decision we ever made as we adopted our little girl who has Downs Syndrome”.
Amy & Ben share their amazing story here of adopting six children. Amy (pictured with Ben and their family) comments: “Ben and I adopted a baby girl through Adoption Matters and she is just amazing and keeps us highly entertained every single day!
We also have five other adopted children who we adopted in Tanzania (none are biological siblings – they were five separate adoptions).
Our children are all Black African and we are white British so our story is not a ‘typical’ one. We chose adoption as our first and only way of creating a family. I have known since I was a little girl that I would adopt my children and they are all incredible.
I found Adoption Matters to be really great. They were very open minded and supportive as I am sure other agencies may have been sceptical about us adopting a sixth child (and they also helped us adopt the most precious little girl in existence!).
I can honestly say that adoption is without a doubt, the best thing I ever did (6 times over!). I would never want to create a family in any other way. If you have love in your heart, have strength and passion to support a child no matter what, then adoption could be the right path for you.”
As a single gay male, Charlie* always wanted to be a parent and he chose the concurrent planning path to adoption: “It was always my belief that I was put on this earth to be a parent, I am proud to be a single gay male concurrent carer, and it is a path that I champion”. Hear more about Charlie’s adoption journey here:
Norman Goodwin, CBE Adoption Matters Chief Executive says, “The current figures of children waiting highlights the ongoing and urgent need to find adoptive families for children who desperately need them. We are so grateful to our families for sharing their stories and helping raise awareness that all adoptive families are totally unique. Adoption transforms the lives of those it touches and this National Adoption Week we’re asking anyone who has the space in their heart and home to find out more. If you think you might be able to give a vulnerable child a loving home, please get in touch”.
Adoption Matters approved 86 new adoptive families & placed 82 children between April 2018 and March 2019, 73% of their adopters were linked with children under 4 months from the date of their approval showing the huge demand for adopters. The charity offers ongoing support and training to their families for as long as they need it.
Staff from Adoption Matters will be hosting information evenings across the country following the week for the public to attend, find out more about adoption, meet staff and an adopter:
There will also be Live Chat sessions to launch the week a Chat with the Chief session, where people can log on, chat and ask any questions to Adoption Matters Chief Executive Norman Goodwin, CBE.
‘Chat with the Chief’ on Monday 14 October 12-2pm
Live Chat Sessions on Tuesday 15 October, 7-9pm and Wednesday 16 October 7-9pm
To download a no obligation adoption information pack please click here, or you can call us on Freephone: 0300 123 1066 or email us at:
*name changed to protect identity