Leading children’s charity and voluntary adoption agency, Adoption Matters fundraising efforts were boosted over Christmas thanks to Waitrose Community Matters Green Token Schemes. Both Chester and Northwich branches supported the charity which encourages shoppers to place a token at the end of their shop in the box of the good cause they’d most like to support.
Coming a very close second for each store we were delighted to raise a total of £709.00.
Adoption Matters Fundraising and Relationship Manager, Sarah Johnson commented: “We are so grateful to Waitrose for giving us this opportunity. It’s not only vital for our fundraising campaigns it also raises awareness of the need for more adopters in the area and across the country right now for the many children waiting for a family”.
If you or your employer could help with our fundraising or awareness raising campaigns, contact us at email: fundraising@adoptionmatters.org or call us free on 0300 123 1066
Main image above: Tracy Crump from Waitrose Chester is pictured presenting Sarah Johnson from Adoption Matters with a cheque for £370.
Pictured below: Jan Beech and Rachel Tomlinson from Waitrose Northwich is pictured presenting Sarah Johnson from Adoption Matters with a cheque for £339.