We were delighted to introduce our latest achievement-report covering 2015/16 at our AGM on 7 September 2016. The Board, Trustees, Members and staff all met to celebrate the success of the agency, despite a challenging year for the adoption sector nationally.
We have been pleased to see that we continue to make an impact on children’s lives as one of the biggest voluntary adoption agency in the country. Last year, Adoption Matters:
Our partnership services, The Centre for Adoption Support and the North West Concurrent Planning Service, run in partnership with Caritas Care, continued to grow. The NW Concurrent Planning Service achieved its 37th placement this month and is the largest service in the country.
Norman Goodwin CBE, Chief Executive commented: “Continuing to demonstrate that adoption matters and that we indeed make an impact in children’s futures has remained the central theme of our work this year. I am very proud of our achievements this year and of the hard work and dedication our staff, supporters and volunteers”.
The agency still have so much more to do and are always looking for corporate or business sponsorship to allow them to continue to improve children’s lives.
If you or your business could assist in any way, please contact the marketing and fundraising team on 01244 390 938 or email: info@adoptionmatters.org