North West Adoption Fortnight is being held from 17-28 April 2017 and aims to highlight the fact that some children wait longer than others.
The North West region faces a shortage of adopters for children who are over the age of 4, in a sibling group, from a black or minority ethnic background and children with additional needs. Adopt North West, a regional group of 22 local authorities and 3 voluntary adoption agencies including leading agency Adoption Matters, are holding a series of events during the fortnight as well as a TV campaign.
A total of 4,690 looked after children were adopted in 2016, compared to 5,360 in 2015, representing a fall of 12. This fall comes at a time when the number of children in care is increasing.
Norman Goodwin CBE commented: “There is a misconception that there isn’t any children waiting for adoption, that isn’t true, there are currently just over 2,900 children waiting for a family right now in England & Wales. Children over the age of 4, sibling groups, children from a BME background and children with additional needs wait the longest and we want to help change that”.
Last year over 50% of the children we placed fell into one or more of the above categories and we were proud to place a sibling group of three aged 11, 9 & 7 years old. With our ongoing support and training, we know that we can place these children successfully with families to enable them a brighter future”.
To adopt you can be single, married, gay, working, unemployed, retired, renting your home or not. What matters most is your time, love and commitment to help a child or children reach their full potential.
Adoption Matters will be holding an open evening during the fortnight at Crewe Lifestyle Centre, Moss Square, Crewe, CW1 2BB on Tuesday 18 April at 6pm. At this informal event you can meet some of the team to find out more about our agency, the adoption process and different choices of adoption. You can also hear from one of their own adopters who will talk about her adoption journey.
Adoption Matters cover the whole of the North West, North Wales, Yorkshire & Humber and Stoke & Staffordshire. For more information contact them free on 0300 123 1066 or visit: