It is advisable to take a break after your last fertility treatment or after the loss of a miscarriage. We do not advise a set ‘timescale’ for this break, we would discuss this with you on an individual basis, but we would ask you to discuss this with us early in your enquiry so our enquiry advisers can ask a member of our social work teams to discuss this with you.
It is important to take time to work through grieving and loss to feel emotionally ready to move on and devote your energies to adoption. If you are a couple enquiring about adoption, you both need to feel ready for the adoption process.
If you have undergone fertility treatment and are now considering adoption, you have already been through a lot. Research shows that for many couples coping with infertility, this can strengthen their relationship. We welcome couples whose relationships are resilient and have stood the test of time, and you may have learned a lot about dealing with stress and emotional challenges which will stand you in good stead when you become a parent.