Our sensory support packages are very popular and this webinar is an excellent introduction into Sensory Processing.
The term ‘sensory processing issues’ refers to the difficulties in managing information that comes through the senses. These issues, sometimes called a sensory processing disorder or a sensory integration disorder, can have a big impact on the learning and on everyday life of a child.
We explore two types of sensory processing challenges; over sensitivity (hypersensitivity), which leads to sensory avoiding, and under sensitivity (hyposensitivity), which causes children to be sensory seeking.
We would love to see you at this workshop, where you will receive expert advice and experienced parental insights, strategies to use at home, and information on best support for a child at school.
This workshop will be presented by an Occupational Therapist from the Centre for Fostering and Adoption Support and will feature opportunities to share experiences with other adoptive parents.
This is webinar free of charge for Adoption Matters and Foster Care Matters families and Regional Adoption Agency (RAA) families that are currently receiving support from the Centre for Fostering & Adoption Support.
If you’re not connected to Adoption Matters, Foster Care Matters or CFAS, then you can still attend our webinars at just £5 per person.
We offer closed captioning on our webinars to provide a live transcript of what is being said – if you would like to have this activated, then please do contact us at the point of booking so that the facilitator is aware.
Please select the option that best applies to you:
I am an adopter / special guardian / foster parent from a different adoption agency
I am an Adoption Matters approved adopter, a Foster Care Matters approved foster parent and/or currently working with the Centre for Fostering & Adoption Support’
Use the form below to register for this event.
Please use the adjacent form to register tickets for this event.
If you have any queries, please contact us at info@adoptionmatters.org