Diocese Adoption Information Pack

9 May 2015
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Diocese Adoption Information Page


How can you and your church help?


Adoption Matters is a Christian organisation with a long history of association with the Anglican Church.
We know that faith communities are uniquely placed to offer their help to children who need adoptive families,
both in terms of finding families to adopt and providing the warm, loving community of support to wrap around
those who do.


We are asking for your help to display our materials in your church and spread the adoption  message in your own communities. We could also offer a speaker at a future event to talk to about adoption and the work we offer. We are also always looking for fundraising opportunities to help support the vital work we offer to children and families across the UK so do contact us if you feel you could assist us.


Below you can download our recruitment materials for display in your church or event. Contact the marketing team on 0300 123 1066 if you would like a supply of materials posted to you.


pdf-icon1  All below materials are available to download in pdf format and some of the adverts are available in jpeg format



Adverts and posters available as jpegs to download below:







