Here is Iyla and her helper (!) Aeron, showing how to make a Christmas Garland/Wreath.
Another fabulous video from Iyla and Aeron on how to make Salt Dough Christmas Tree Decorations. Aeron wanted to pass on this tip: “This was a nice activity to spread over 2 days due to how long they take to bake. We baked everything and left to cool overnight so the painting part was fun for the next morning”
Fancy getting creative with Origami and making your very own little Creasemas Penguin? The talented team at Future sent us this amazing little creation and our team loved it. All you need is a piece of paper to print the below penguin flatplan onto and download the instructions below. If you need more help, have a look at the Perfect Penguin Tutorial video below. Have fun and remember, share your creations with us on social using the #YourChristmas hashtag or tag us in!