Leading adoption charity and agency, Adoption Matters has welcomed the new measures to speed up the adoption process announced by the Government today.
The adoption charity is already leading the way working with local authorities in the region through their concurrent planning service and child specific family finding, which both enable children to find their adoptive families quicker.
Their North West Concurrent Planning service, a joint partnership with adoption agency Caritas Care, offers a route to early permanence for babies and very young children whose birth parents have a known background of severe parental difficulty and are unlikely to have the child returned to them. The service is the largest of its kind and the team comprises experienced social workers & contact workers who recruit, prepare & support concurrent carers throughout.
The service operates through a partnership contract with 13 local authorities in the North West and provided 15 concurrent planning placements to children aged from 1 day to 15 months.
To date, 3 adoption orders have been granted, 5 children have been placed under adoption regulations and 1 child rehabilitated to parents. Carers are made aware of the risk and the need to manage uncertainty and are encouraged to facilitate contact with birth parents, building positive relationships.
This delivers significantly improved outcomes for children and parents with the burden of risk being carried by the carers.
A similar partnership service offered by Adoption Matters is the Centre for Adoption Support which provides a wealth of support, training and a bespoke family finding service. This offers a child specific recruitment plan which aims to reduce the time a child waits for a family, particularly for children deemed ‘harder to place’ who are often older children, siblings and children with additional needs.
Adoption Matters Chief Executive Norman Goodwin, CBE commented: “We welcome the new measures announced today. We know that too many children across the country are waiting too long for a family and we recruit families specifically for children who fall into this ‘harder to place’ category”
We are delighted that we have been chosen to work with 4 of the newly formed regional adoption agencies across the North West & Yorkshire and our two partnership projects the NW Concurrent Planning Service & The Centre for Adoption support have proven that you can place children earlier with the right planning and ongoing support”.
For more information visit: www.adoptionmatters.org or contact us on 0300 123 1066 or email: info@adoptionmatters.org
For all press enquiries contact Jenny MacQuire, Marketing Manager jenny.macquire@adoptionmatters.org