Leading adoption agency Adoption Matters have been rated Outstanding by Ofsted inspectors for the fourth consecutive time, the only agency in the whole of the North West to achieve this. The agency, which also celebrates its 70th anniversary this year, has now been rated Outstanding since January 2008.
In making their judgement inspectors had to consider the experiences of children and families the agency works with taking into account how well they are helped and protected and also the effectiveness of leaders and managers. They also considered the experiences of local authorities who work closely with the agency.
The inspection report detailed some of the reasons for being outstanding as:
The report also highlighted feedback from adopters, one of whom commented;
“This is a very special place. Social workers really ‘get it’ and are non-judgemental. They are proactive and don’t wait for the family to be in crisis”.
A child who had accessed adoption support services commented:
“The work has been most beneficial. It has enabled me to judge situations with a much cooler head… I am able to handle extremely strong emotions in a much more controlled and safe way. Thank you… this work has changed me for the better.
Ofsted also highlighted the agency’s partnership working and innovation: commenting:
“This is exceptional and demonstrates ground-breaking practice which is widely shared. The agency acts as a leader within the local, regional and national voluntary adoption agency community”
Adoption Matters Chief Executive, Norman Goodwin, CBE welcomes the outstanding judgement, commenting:
“Achieving a fourth outstanding rating is a great achievement for all staff and Trustees who all work so hard. We are all incredibly proud of the services we offer and continually strive to push innovation both regionally and nationally whilst continuing to offer an excellent service to our families. We are delighted that Ofsted recognises this together with our commitment to ongoing support, something we have been offering as an agency for some time”.
The agency recruits adopters from the whole of the North West, North Wales, Yorkshire & Humber and Stoke & Staffordshire, Tel: Freephone 0300 123 1066 for further information or click here to download a free information pack.
To view the full Ofsted inspection report click here