Adoption Christmas Tree Sparkle!

6 December 2016
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We are delighted to take part in this year’s Christmas Tree Festival at Chester Cathedral.  The festival, in its fourth year, has over fifty six foot Christmas Tree’s lining the beautiful Cathedral cloisters.


Our Christmas tree is a representation of the 64 children Adoption Matters placed for adoption last financial year (1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016).  Each child or sibling group has their own heart with their initials and ages.   All of our adoptive families have been encouraged to visit the festival and look for their very own special heart.


The children placed last year also included one of our oldest children placed for adoption, a sibling group of three aged 11, 9 and 7 years old.


Adoption Matters Chief Executive, Norman Goodwin, CBE commented: “Seeing the many children we placed with their forever families last year represented visually on the tree is touching and we hope that our families are able to visit the festival and look for their own family ‘heart’.


We are still looking for more families who could adopt the children who wait the longest, sibling groups, children aged 4 years +, children with additional needs and children from a black and minority ethnic background.  We offer support and training to all our families for as long as they need it”.


If you would like to know more about adoption, contact Adoption Matters now by calling 0300 123 1066 or you can download a free information pack here.
